Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Eye contact

A direct gaze on a person may be creepy, and annoying sometimes. We are not 100% gaze on a person's eyes when we talked, literally 100% I would say. I believe we still need another few glance on the other side when we are recalling memories, we tend to look at the right hand side. Yet the frequency of staring a person while talking can tell us how much we are focusing on that conversation or the intention of listening to the conversation. A daily life experience that we would encounter. We would probably talk to some of our family members while they are watching TV. If they reply us by turning their heads towards us, it shows a higher intention of continuing the topics. Whereas, if they are still facing the TV yet answering us, it is more likely to make us keep repeating our sentence, as they focus more on the TV show; or even they would ignore us.

I also noticed that eyes can actually give instructions! For example, move our pupils to left direct a person to look at the left side or maybe we are pointing on someone or something on our left hand side. And vice versa. We will play this part when we are not allowed to talk especially during exam or class. Lecturers may communicate with us by using non verbal communication so we won't disturb others. An often part is when we are trying to point at someone secretly, eye contact would be perfect since it is not easy to detect by others.

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