Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The friend 2

Talking about my friends again, i did some catching up with them when i went back to penang. They asked me what i was studying and i told them i was studying human communication. They looked at me with a confused look and asked me why i choose human com. They actually thought that I, from all the people in the world had trouble communicating with other people and needed to take a subject to teach me to talk. I told them more bout it and i told them about Mark Knapp's development model. All of them were actually interested in what i had to say about the model and started analyzing their relationships. One of my friend said "OMG, im only at the intensifying stage!! I'm so far from the top!!!!". I actually had to explain that she had to get married to reach the final stage. She just replied with a big smile and said, "I so got to do that. I wanna reach the top!! All of us there just stared at her and started laughing really hard. Her boyfriend laugh as well but i think he had other things racing through his mind.

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