Friday, May 8, 2009

Identity Needs

Well, from the first chapter of Human Communication, I can really see my topic. The identity needs, which reflects what is really happening in our life.

As time past, have you ever noticed that girls are getting better in dressing? Few decades ago, women used to fully dressed, they would try their very best to cover every single part of their skin; to a certain extend, they would even cover their faces with scarfs; dresses and blowses cannot be too short or low; a particular body/walking gesture, they shall not walk too fast or slow. Every rules and regulations had shaped women in a 'natural' way. People thought that women were supposed to be courteous and refined.

As we compare to women in our century, that would be a different picture. Young ladies dressed in shorts, high heels, thick makeups, silky smooth long hair and so on. Girls are no longer depicted as 'polite' or 'courteous' but with words like 'sexy' or 'hot'. These changes ain't appeal for no reason. Through out these years, men had been making comments and opinions on girls' appearances, it apparently had became a hot topic among guys. Yet, this is not the end. Mass media had been promoting girls should have model-like (skinny) body; body should be as slender as celebrities. Magezines had been teaching us how to be trendy, up to date with new hairstyles or any new dresses from Beyonce, Angelina Jolie, Alyssa Milano and so on. It had become a pressure.

These pressure are not just a motivation but a comfirmation for women to be like what the public want them to be. Opinions form us identity. Imagine there is no human in this world, would we bother to dress up? Would there be someone to comment about our appearance? Would media still concern on women's looking? And there it goes, we will lost our identity because we do not know what we are without human exists. Communication is transactional. We dressed up to wish someday, some random people will give us feedback, doesn't matter if it is verbal or nonverbal. But feedback meant a lot for us! Not only can boost our confidence but we can learn things from their comments. Besides, it can slowly structure our identity that can fit into our society someday, whether we are 'hot', 'sexy', 'gorgeous' as OUR identity.

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