Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Life without human contact

Have you ever wondered about life without any form of communication?? Well, I feel that communication plays a very important role in our lives. We may not notice it as it has been part of us since we were born. Communication comes to us easily just as it is in our nature to breath. What will happen to us if we cannot communicate? I heard of this story once so I would like to share the story with all of you.

There was an old fashion house sitting in the middle of the countryside. The house had been abandoned for about 4 years as everyone thought the house was haunted. Shrills and cries could be heard from time to time in the house. When they checked the house, they could not find anything in there. One day, there was a family that decided to move into the house. That night itself, they heard weird scratching noises from under the house. It was like someone was under the house. Without thinking twice, they ran out of the house and put up a night in the nearest motel.

The next day, contractors were asked to come and tear up the floors of the house. Under the house, they found an old room. When they checked the underground room, they found a mattress, and some old toys there. To their dismay, they saw dried up blood and rat carcasses everywhere. Then they heard a whimper from the corner of the room. A contractor shone his torchlight in that direction. He screamed with fright when he saw her. She was as pale as a ghost with dark circles under her eyes and her hair was so messy. She screamed in pain and crouch into a tight ball when she saw the light. She had been so used to the dark that her eyes burned when she saw the light. Her head twitched to the side when she heard the squeaks of a little rat. Her hearing was as sharp as a bat. She got into a crouch and pounced on the rat. With her bare teeth, she ripped the rat apart and ate hungrily.

The contractors ran out of the house in fright and called for help. That woman was sent to the hospital. It was said that her mother was raped by her grandfather and got pregnant. Her grandfather was ashamed of his pregnant daughter so he locked her in her room for nine months until the baby was born. Since the mother was locked up all by herself, she had depression and committed suicide. She hung herself after the baby was born. Soon after the baby was born, the grandfather created a room under the house and the baby was locked in there. He would send food down to her every meal. When her grandfather died, she had no food so she had to live on rats to survive.

She had been staying in that underground room for all her life and she had never seen light or had any human contact. She was like an animal. She even acted like one. Many tried to help her but she didn’t know how to talk or communicate. In the hospital, she would just start screaming and screaming if any light was turned on. At times, she would be sitting by the corner of the room, rocking away. If anyone tries to talk to her, she would just utter cries and she would attack them for no apparent reason. This is what happens when someone is kept from all means of communication. They would not know how to speak or what you’re saying. They would also act like an animal and they do not know that they themselves are human beings.

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