Saturday, July 18, 2009


Well, it's already week 11 for this semester! Sigh, it was fast, wasn't it? During these few weeks, we will see lots of students dressed in formal. Usually presentations for every subject will held on these days. And my mind always pop up with a question, why do people bother to dress up formally (I know we are obliged to do so)? My sisters and brother were puzzled when first to hear that we need to be dressed in formal for our presentations. Because they don't do so while they were like my age.

First of all, according to some lecturers, they claim that formal attires looked presentable. But how could you measure how presentable it is? Does formal attire gain more respects from our lecturers or other presenters? Hmm.. I can answer this. From my opinion, I think my answer is 'Yes'. Especially most of the subjects are changing the system of marking presentation. I remembered two semesters ago, my presentation was judged by a lecturer, only. Yet, as those seniors graduated one by one. Lecturers started to come out with this evil idea! Classmates are supposed to get involved in marking section. Not only the attire is important, but we must convince every 'judges' in our class. Because all the marks will be totaled up. Therefore, marks are even harder to gain. I'll say, attire will gain some marks besides our presenting skills.

Well, but this is not my main point. Girls tend to dress sharp and wear high heels to present ourselves. Not only we will then looked presentable but we are more confident in standing in front of crowds. Hence, handle the presentation perfectly. High heels do the trick. Maybe guys may not understand this feeling. I believe all the girls love these feelings. =D My conclusion is, dressing and appearance are very important. Appearance changes what you think about yourself because no one is more conscious of your appearance than anyone else. "When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people" said by an editor from the website, Pick the Brain. Log on to for more information about building confidence. =D

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