Sunday, July 12, 2009

R.I.P MIcheal Jackson, King of Pop

Indeed it has already been at least 2 weeks since the unfortunate and early demise of the legendary Micheal Jackson. Seeing his memorial a few days ago showed how much communication can truly affect people.

Even if it was mass media communication, when MJ's little girl grabbed the mic and said while sobbing and crying "I just want you to know, that my dad is the best dad I could ever have" was enough to move me to tears, and I'm sure it did the same to anyone else who watched that. The raw emotion shown in her statement conveyed exactly what she felt and also showed that she truly meant what she said.

Even before that, the speech by one of MJ's brother was heartfelt and I'm sure everybody who watched will agree with all that he said about Micheal. The entire memorial itself showed that songs, genuine words and participation can show the true feelings of people towards Micheal Jackson. Rest in Peace MJ, we'll miss you.

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