Saturday, July 11, 2009

All we need is teamwork.

When i was at Sasa camp, we were all split into 2 different teams. We had to complete a series of tasks and one of them was to build a mud house. Ok, maybe i'm just exaggerating. Our goal was to complete 2 walls of the mud house. We started by mixing the water and the sand together, trying to achieve Mr G's "perfect chocolate cake" mixture. It took a lot of teamwork to mix everything together as it was a tough job to do. Eventhough we all didnt know each other well, everyone just put aside their differences and start working together to make the wall. The guys rolled the stack of straw to the house. Then every one worked hand in hand to bring the sand and water to the tub and started mixing. After the mixing was done, we were divided into a few groups to work on the different tasks which is covering the straw with mud, placeing the straws on the wires and smoothening out the wall. Everything was going so well until Kah Meng threw mud at my face. I threw back but it missed him and hit Mr G instead. Then the mud fight began. Everyone had a lot of fun but we forgot about the wall completely. Sadly, we didnt complete the walls and it was only halfway done. Come to think of it, if everyone didnt work together, nothing would be done at all.

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