Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

I felt glad yesterday wasn't another lonely friday. I watched Ice age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs at Pavilion. Teehee.. it's the coolest animation ever! I watched the 3D version, and I almost got blind. Even with the glasses on. Hmm.. no worries. I won't be the spoiler here, just in case someone is going to watch. And I noticed every movie has some theories that we can refer back to our textbook. Some similar communication skills that we learnt in lectures. In this film, Manny and Diego have the so-called 'man-talk' which Ellie doesn't seems to agree with that way. And the outcome was just like Ellie's expectation-Manny used the wrong type of communication skill when a friend needs a real concern. Another scene that I found it funny was the part where Manny and his friends stepped on a giant carnivorous flower while they thought it was a harmless plant. In this movie, it taught me there is a chance that the natural enemy or predator can be our best friends too. For instance, dinosaurs can be a friend of their prey. A shallow knowledge can lead to the worst case ever. This was shown where Manny thought he was the biggest mammal in the world. But this proved to be wrong until Manny meets the dinosaurs. There are a lot of lessons that we can learn from this film. It's worth to watch though.

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