Saturday, July 11, 2009

Meeting new friends

I just came back from my Sasa Camp yesterday. I had loads of fun but it wasnt so fun before. On friday morning, we gathered in the main block at 7am in the morning. I started to panic as i didnt see a familiar face among the crowd of people. The majority of students from Sasa were from A-Levels, there was also a bunch of students from HICT, and there was me, the only person from HMC. Apparently all the Sasa HMC students could not come except for Kit Yang but she was no where to be seen. I gave a sigh of relive when i saw her. At least i know someone there.

We sat together on the bus and started to get to know everyone on the bus. Everyone was really friendly and i guess one just has to get the courage to say hi. We started making new friends with the students from A-levels and HICT during the activities. All in all, the camp has been a great experience for all of us and everyone went home with new friends.

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