Monday, July 6, 2009

Malaysian Culture Event on Wednesday!

As the title shows, my group-mates and I are organizing an event on promoting Malaysian Culture. P.S. I know it sounds boring, but please, it's a compulsory event that in fact contribute loads of marks in final result.. So.. please please... just spend a little time to come over our booth and take a look, at Lower Foyer. 12.30 to 2 this Wednesday(I guess everyone would be free at that time) Lecturers are welcome =D. I need your participation!!

Trust me, it's not going to be THAT boring. We spent almost thousand to organize this event (I'm gonna talk more about the progress of getting the dancers to HELP! *calming myself down*). Besides traditional dances - there about 6 dances =D cool huh? And we will set our booths for Malaysian Art at the same time- Malay, Indian and Chinese, of course. For Malay culture, we will have this 'Batik' colouring section, which you can colour your Batik with your own selection of colours- just pay RM3 =p (P.S.We are NOT making money, it's the cost) . For Indian culture, we will have this 'Henna' drawing. Patterns will be drawn on your palms or any part of your body (not somewhere else). And so on... loads and loads stuff to find out!

Oh yes, one more thing. Free Food is Available! Snacks and Kuih Muih.. YUMM! =))

And ONE last thing, FREE ENTRANCE! See you there!

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