Friday, May 22, 2009


I have been realizing something unusual, well at least it is unusual for me at that very moment. During my first semester of foundation, we were told that presentations contribute partially in the final result. And I believe most of the students got anxious especially Chinese students who are not fluent in English Language, and most of us were not experienced to speak in front of crowds. When the day came, everyone dressed in formal and got ready to present.

Some students made good slides and presented excellent ideas. Yet, they tend to mumble their points, so it was not influential enough since everyone could not understand a single word. This made a big mistake since he/she failed to catch the audience's attention. Whereas some students who spoke English fluently yet presented common points succeed to lure the audience and judges' awareness. When I did the comparison, these talented students spoke confidently with whatever they wanted to convey. They also mixed with jokes and expressed them with impressive-sounding language. Therefore, audience listened more intensively to their speech.

Research also shows that audience judge the speakers based more on the credibility that arose from his use of language skills than from the ideas he expressed. Therefore, it is significant to learn to speak confidently than knowing what the ideas should be presented. A successful speech must consist of READABLE and CLEAR words. Practices make perfect =D I believe no one born to a good presenter.

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