Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jargon talk

Jargon talk is defined as meaningless talk or gibberish. It is also defined as the specialized vocabulary that functions as a shorthand by people with common backgrounds. People now, i mean teenagers are more into the hip hop kind of talk as in " Hey, wats up man!!" or " Dude, lets go 4 a game of bball.". Some people also uses shorthand to communicate like brb for 'be right back', lol for 'lots if laughter", btw for ' by the way' and many more. Some may be more descriptive. Here, i have uploaded a video about jargon talk. Its about someone socializing at a meeting. This serves as an advice for people who are trying to mingle around.

As you can see, the guy ask the woman about her job. The woman replied by making her job sound fabulous and professional. As she goes on and on, you can see that the guy is speechless and when he tries to talk, she cuts him off.

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