Sunday, May 17, 2009

Power of Language

We tend to underestimate the power of language because we don't understand how does that work within our daily life. Words can be added or removed from a conversation to make it more influencial and effective. It also depends on the communicator's capability of conveying the messege. There are two ways of conveying our messege- the powerful language and powerless language.

Powerful language tend to be used when we are ordering, instructing or demanding, and usually leads to an unsatisfy outcome. This language is usually use by authorities or elders and is seldom use when we are communicating with our friends. Unless, we are intend to offend them. An example of powerful language: 'Collect the plates and cups from the table!', this can usually hear from our mother/father/granny after taken our meal. We will grumble and mumble the unwillingness; or we even pretend not to hear anything. These will be the unsatisfy outcome. Outcome is less satisfying therefore it's less effective.

Powerless language is usually used when we are speaking to the elders or somehow begging for something. Words like 'please', 'thank you', 'excuse me' do contribute in the final outcome. It sounds more repectful and acceptable especially when we are appealing for an application or requesting something. An example of powerless language: ' Could you please collect the plates and cups from the table?', an additional 'please' would change the effectiveness of this statement. Reciever are more willingly to do what he/she offered.

In my opinion, the power of language does make a big different in communication. We don't instruct our friend to do something but we ask politely instead because we knew that different person may need a different level of language power.

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