Wednesday, May 27, 2009


When someone is talking, have you guys out there ever wondered if you are listening to them or merely just hearing their voices??...well, we usually listen to conversations that we are only interested in. On the other hand, when a person we dislikes talks to us or an uninteresting topic comes up, we would just form a wall and block those voices out. We would pretend to listen and ocassionally nod to show that we are listening. A few "ohh" and "really???" can really show that you are listening....eventhough your not. We usually do that so we do not hurt a persons feelings as well as to "save face". How would you feel if someone was talking to you and he/she notices that you are not listening. The phrase "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME??!!" can cause a few heads to turn.

Come to think of it, I actually notice many people doing this in college. I mean, when someone is talking to them and they are not interested in the topic, the would actually let the person continue his story eventhough they do not want to hear it. Some have the impatient and or bored look on their faces, looking for a way to escape from listening to the some old boring topic. Usually people do not notice this. So, try to take a while off your hectic lifestyles and open your eyes wide. If you open your eyes wide enough, you will see what i'm talking anout.

I think that there are many pseudo listeners in the world, yet alone my college. This type of people are so good at pretending to listen that they actually fooled others into thinking that they are listening when they are actually not. Well, do you want to catch some pseudo listeners?? Well, thats just easy. Come up with a really boring topic and go to a person and start talking about it. You must remember to check out for the clues. A pseudo listener will look like he/she is interested in your topic and they look very attentive. At the end of it, shoot them with a few questions about the topic. You would notice that that person would not be able to answer any of your questions or he/she will make lots of excuses.

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